Saturday, July 19, 2008

transaction requirements for an e-commerce webpage

A small home business starts an e-commerce webpage by choosing the templates displaying the product groups which the business will be selling to its customers.when the business has ensured regular visitors to the webpage and started converting the visits to sales,the webpage becomes visible in the search engines.

As the transactions start increasing,the hosting requirements of the webpage for a small business becomes necessary for the convenience of the customers who are making the purchases from this webpage.the orders may be in different stages and the e-commerce webpage displays the quantity of products which are to be sold,delivered to the customers and then the payment has to be collected.the e-commerce website has pages for all the stages of business transactions.

Businesses may have different websites for different product groups, which would be hosted by different hosts or they may have one product group which displays all the available products in the same website.while for different websites with less products the transaction requirements would be small,for the website displaying one product group with more product lists, the transaction requirements will be more.accordingly the hosting requirements have to be chosen for the customers convenience.ease of using the webpages ensures that the customers will return for making purchases and using the webpages regularly.

search engine visibility for the e-commerce webpage

An e-commerce website for a small home business has to make up links and keywords in the content and descriptions for search engine visibility.we have to gather the keywords most commonly used in web searches and then make the content of the webpage with these keywords.this will ensure that the webpage is found when the keywords are searched.

When we have ensured the visibility in search engines,then we make the content for attracting the attention of the visitors.we use a template which features the products and services for the visitors who are searching the keywords in the content.there may be other attractions for the visitors to come back to this webpage.

Then we have to display the product descriptions and images which would sell more often as buyers start visiting the webpage regularly.being a virtual reseller and advertiser for products and services the small home business has to make conversions of the page visits into sales.then the commission for each sale made on the webpage or the clicks made on the advertising links becomes an online business with regular visitors.

The e-commerce website has pages for business transactions,business communication and product display.the display of images and descriptions ensure that the visitors to the page become buyers and then the transactions page is required for making the sale.communication between the buyer and seller ensures that the customers return to the page for making purchases regularly for their convenience.

virtual shopping mall on the e-commerce webpage

A home based business which is selling products or services on the web,starts an e-commerce it has to ensure the visibility of the page in the search engines.the webpages are displaying the products and services with their images and descriptions .these webpages belong to the product groups which are -

Fun and entertainment
Home and garden
Pets and toys
Sports and recreation

These product groups may be sold from the
Shopping mall
Virtual shopping mall

There are templates for these product groups with images,descriptions,product lists,product availability.the buyer clicks on the products and puts them in the shopping cart.this is virtual shopping.while in a shopping mall the buyer has the products displayed on the racks,in the virtual shopping mall the product images and descriptions are available on the webpages.

In virtual shopping the buyer avoids the queues,rush and crowds.the products are home delivered and the webpage links with the shopping mall from which the products are physically delivered.the home based business is like a virtual reseller for the shopping mall.

starting a new e-commerce webpage

A home based business usually uses the web for its business communication.when starting a website for its business,it has the options of choosing from a personal webpage,business webpage or a commercial website.businesses may be small,medium or small to medium and accordingly their transaction requirements are less or more.

For starting a new e-commerce website choosing the host is the first step towards building the comes making the webpages for the site.the pages are purchase,orders,customers,sales,payments and the shopping cart which has the products display.since this is virtual shopping,the customers choose the products from the images and the product descriptions.when the product has been sold on the webpage,the dropshippers physically send the available products from the warehouse to the customers at their locations.

When setting up the shopping cart,choosing the products for selling is the initial step for the small selling eproducts for downloads the small business avoids the physical sending of products to the customer selling virtual products the small home business does the selling from the website online and the products are available where they are displayed rather than being images for products which are to be physically sold.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

beauty of nature

The sky became dark as the clouds gathered around us and then it started to rain.the wind swept by and the roaring sound of the thunder made us shiver.the lightning pierced the clouds and lit up the darkness.the wet cloth was dripping in the clothes line.small droplets were falling from the leaves onto the ground below,which was shaded by the tree.small puddles drowned the grass,reminding me of the plants which are found underwater.when we look around us,we see all the plants and trees which show us the seasons.we see the water and the waves which show us the night and day.beneath this water is the nature which has a beauty similar to the nature above it.while the birds nest in the trees,the fish swims around the garden,underwater.the weeds float on the surface of the water and small flowers bloom on this.when the rain starts showering on this water and the wind blows along,we see small waves around the weed.the flowers are dripping droplets while the fish beneath remain still.the birds sit on the branches quietly while their feathers become drenched.the frogs are jumping and the ground is scattered with flowers.the wind sings the songs of nature and the lightning covers the water with its magical beauty.the glowworms lit up the grass and leaves with their glitter,while the rain wets the ground.

seasons of nature

The soothing wind blowing through the green grass while the birds were ruffling their feathers, suddenly became a wild breeze.the clouds filling the sky,covering the moon,spreading darkness throughout the i walked i could feel the cold breath of people around me.a small light shone from the clouds and then came the thunderous sound from above the sky.the light spread slowly and as i looked at the shining leaves,the lightning struck the ground with the fury of the pouring rain.i stood under a tree shivering in the chill of water running down the branches,into tiny rivulets which made the puddle of water around the trunk.drenched in the rain i wondered as i looked up at the sky which was filled with the sparks of lightning spreading along the dark blue sky.the swirling winds brought in more rains,blowing through the trees and drenching me in the dust which had floated into the air from the ground,spreading through the leaves and grass.the howling sound slowly became louder and louder until it became thunderous.then a sudden chill descended onto the surroundings and clouds started falling onto the ground,turning into smoke and spreading throughout.soon the surroundings filled with smoke floating through the grounds and then settling on the water.the plants in the water started spreading like wildfire into the clouds,capturing them with their tentacles.then the flowers started blooming,filling the clouds with the colour of our feelings.all the birds flew from the trees onto the clouds and started to drink the honey from the flowers.the sweet fragnance lingered in the wet air while the petals floated on the water.

objects of nature

When we start thinking of a situation the things that come to our mind is the view of a landscape etched brightly onto the background of an open space.with the basic background of the blue sky and the colourless air filled with an odour which is the identity of the surrounding.this is but a tiny piece of the universe in which we stay,inclusive of the objects which form a part of this picture.primarily the terrain is a series of undulations on the surface which move like curved lines from one part to the next enclosing within it pieces of landscape with the familiar colours and their various shades.the shades are the different phases of our life,painted in black & white or in colour.these colours float around us like clouds.their shades become lighter and darker with their proximity to the surroundings which is momentary.objects float on the picture,disappearing in the next instant onto another frame.the time frame of exposure is a primary determinant which enables the viewer to capture the image into the register.however the objects which make up spots,smearing onto the surroundings are the images which have to be segregated in their order of importance for the purpose of identifying the relevance of the object with the frame and its unique features.since the objects define the relevance of the landscape,it is primarily necessary to classify them according to their preferences.hence we begin the process of identification.a series of combinations are grouped together.instances of glimpses captured on the registers are retained in our thoughts based on their pattern and arrangements.this is how nature spreads happiness in our lives.