Saturday, July 19, 2008

virtual shopping mall on the e-commerce webpage

A home based business which is selling products or services on the web,starts an e-commerce it has to ensure the visibility of the page in the search engines.the webpages are displaying the products and services with their images and descriptions .these webpages belong to the product groups which are -

Fun and entertainment
Home and garden
Pets and toys
Sports and recreation

These product groups may be sold from the
Shopping mall
Virtual shopping mall

There are templates for these product groups with images,descriptions,product lists,product availability.the buyer clicks on the products and puts them in the shopping cart.this is virtual shopping.while in a shopping mall the buyer has the products displayed on the racks,in the virtual shopping mall the product images and descriptions are available on the webpages.

In virtual shopping the buyer avoids the queues,rush and crowds.the products are home delivered and the webpage links with the shopping mall from which the products are physically delivered.the home based business is like a virtual reseller for the shopping mall.

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